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Sunday 25 March 2012

Critical Decision: Part 2


Sorry it's been so long since my last post, but I've been extremely busy. School, extra-curricular activities, life in general has been busier than usual lately, and I have some exciting news.

I'm moving to Alberta!

Say what!? Yes, it's true! I've been thinking about it a lot lately and I've decided that it's an exciting time and I am taking the opportunity that I have to try something new!

Remember the post I made some time ago outlining the fact that I was postponing my graduation until a later date? Well, basically, the only classes I have left to take before I graduate with my Bachelor in Applied Sciences at York are taught between January and April. That being said, I will have 8 months off between this May and December. My goal for the last few months has been to find a job, something that pays well and will give me a chance to add real engineering experience to my life and resumé. But, it's been difficult to find anything.

Some colleagues of mine suggested looking in places other than Ontario. I started looking out west and so far have been excited by the prospects. Apparently, engineering is all the rage out there, and the market is growing. I've only been looking for a short time but I've found more opportunities out west in a couple of weeks than I have found in Toronto and Ottawa combined in the last few months. Now, my timing may be a little off, trying to find a job in March to begin at the end of May, but I am persistent, and I am hopeful.

Additionally, I've been wanting to check out the universities out there as I've heard good things. My original plan was to go and visit a friend while I checked things out, but this works out better.

It's a little impulsive of me, but if you know me at all, you'll know that even my spontaneity is planned and that I don't make decisions lightly. I've been working on the details, big and small, and I am confident that I'll get through everything, most likely with a lot of help from my friends and family.

I look forward to trying something new. I love Toronto and have loved my time here, but I've been feeling a little stuck the last little while. It was only when I considered moving that I realized I felt this way, but making a change will be very good for me. I've been pushing myself to be better, to grow, to learn, and so I think moving out west might be a good chance to grow and learn some more.

I am not leaving Toronto forever. As I said, I have those classes to take, and am not just abandoning this city and my friends and family, but I am hoping this change gives me the strength and opportunity to reach out and explore different opportunities, ones which may have passed me by if I hadn't thought to look.

For those of you who might be able to make it, I will be hosting one last hurrah/birthday party later in April. I'll give you a lot of notice, and would be very happy if you could attend. Not only is it a celebration of the anniversary of my birth, and 25 at that, very exciting, but it is also going to be my chance to give back to you, and thank you for all you've done, and pledge my ongoing friendship with you.

And have no fear! I plan on having a lot of exciting adventures whilst out there! I will be updating this blog as much as possible, and I have so many things I want to do and see which I hope to share with you.

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