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Saturday 20 August 2011

The Stanley Parable

I just finished The Stanley Parable, which any of you can get here: The Stanley Parable, for free, and I quite enjoyed it. This game, this experience, while not completely novice, was at least creative, entertaining, and refreshing. The Stanley Parable does not take that long to play and while it's a choose-your-own adventure story, each choice exists within the same game, within the same "world" as the others. The author commentary, again short, should be read, after you play the game, but does leave me feeling a little sorry for the designer. He remarks how long and draining creating this game was, and in the end, he seems very disheartened. I wrote him a little email thanking him for the experience and wishing him a happier future. His work, and the work of other independent thinkers out there, should be praised, rewarded. While the video gaming industry has taken off in the last ten years, now prominent and nigh corporate, it is nice to see the "little guys" coming up with fresh effort. Don't get me wrong, I love some of the bigger video game companies; they listen to their fans, and they have delivered some of the greatest games I've ever played. But, the capitalist in me just loves free enterprise, just loves when someone takes their ideas into their own hands and publishes them just in the hopes that they get exposure.

Anyway, I have gone on a bit of a rant here, so I will just finish this by saying, you should check out this game. It's a good time killer, and might make you think a little.

1 comment:

  1. I loved the Stanley Parable. My first playthrough for the normal ending was pretty cool, it had some neat stuff to say about games. After a couple of the other endings I went "WHOOAAAAHHH"
