
Whether it be social, recreational, or professional, some of what represents me is here. Post a comment, or contact me at should you so desire.

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Wednesday 1 May 2019

A T-Rex in Paris!

From the Eiffel Tower to the Louvre, l'Arc de Triumph to the Sacré Coeur, Paris is full of landmarks. However, as historic as the city is, it's not often that we find something truly ancient lurking. That is, until a T-Rex came to town!  

From June-November, 2018, the dinosaur known as Trix was on display in Paris, France. Considered the 3rd most complete tyrannosaurus ever found, somewhere between 75-80% of its bone volume recovered, Trix is a wonder to behold. Originally discovered in Montana, USA, she has been on the move, displayed in museums all over Europe for the past few years.

In Paris, the exhibit was very successful, boasting over 388,000 visitors in 4 months' time, averaging almost 2,500 visitors per day! 

Like many, I have always found dinosaurs to be fascinating. These giant beasts, quite unlike anything we have now, looming over us, terrifying even after all this time. Of course, the Jurassic Park movies have aided in that sense of thrill and awe. Still, while my perspective is usually upward, toward space, it is fun to look back and see how life has changed here on Earth.

My girlfriend allowing pictures of herself on this blog is probably rarer than dinosaurs, so today we're all extra lucky!

While not the most flattering view, this does give a better sense of the scale of Trix

This sign made me laugh

And, while we're here, let's include a few pictures of the surrounding gardens (and other landmarks), just for fun!

Edit: We took this trip in late 2018, and I wrote this blog post almost two months ago, staggering it out so I could have content on this blog between busy work times. Looking back, I see Notre Dame, in its former glory. I have not really said much, publicly, about this building since the fire, so I will do so now.

The Notre Dame cathedral has significant artistic, architectural, societal, and historical importance. Whether you're on Team "It's Just a Building" or Team #SaveNotreDame, I hope you'll agree that it is always a shame to lose any building, especially one which has seen so much of history and literally stood as a monument and symbol for many. The recent onflooding of money from the wealthy to rebuild, in a country currently rampant with << Gilets Jaunes>> is a problem, and shows that the issue is not a lack of resources, but a lack of/differing concern/consideration. 

In the end, I am glad to see that people care. I do wish that people could be a little more active, rather than reactive, with their attention and involvement in both helping and appreciating the community around them, and also very, very glad that no one was seriously hurt long term here. 

There you have it! Dinosaurs and some gardens in Paris! This was another beautiful, fantastic day, with perfect weather in Paris, and my girlfriend and I were very glad to have had the time to make this happen! We think back on this day quite often and it is nice to finally have the time to share it with all of you!

Do yourself a favour and keep your eye open for community events and upcoming festivals and exhibits! There may be some fun surprises coming to your town or city that you didn't know about before! I find most are poorly advertised, so be sure to follow some key groups on Facebook/Twitter, listen to local radio, so that you don't miss out!

Thank you all very much for reading, see you next time!

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