All my life I have wanted to work in the space industry. I have said this many times. I told my parents at the age of 5, I've told almost every teacher I've ever had, and I've dressed up the language when writing it on applications. I have always had a clear destination, but what I have not always had was a clear path.
In a way, I have always been very lucky in knowing what I want to do. Most people do not know what they want, especially from such an early age, and it is very common to have no idea how to get there. Even if you know your path and destination, it is your path, you have to walk it, and it is unreasonable to expect much more than some friendly assistance from time to time.
However, what has always frustrated me was the lack of direction, advice, or counsel I have had.
However, what has always frustrated me was the lack of direction, advice, or counsel I have had.